Mental Health Mentors – A New Campaign
In these most challenging times, this campaign is about empowering people to support others with their mental health. As part of it we have teamed up with The Circle Line to offer online video therapy sessions to BOM readers...

We know from research that men want to help other people with their mental health. We also know that men are reluctant to open up about their own mental health, which leaves things in a bit of a bind.
Perhaps the issue is that men lack the language to properly engage with the issue. When we’re brought up we simply don’t tend to have the ability to translate our feelings into words, hampered no doubt by a belief that it’s not what boys or indeed men do. Whether this is down to nature or nurture is almost beside the point: mental health issues are such a problem that we need to learn how to deal with them.
To help with this we are launching a new campaign which will aim to give straight up mental health advice but also provide men with skills they may need to help their peers and family with such issues. We want to break down the walls of silence.
The Book of Man will therefore be launching a new Mental Health Mentors campaign from 1st May 2020. Its aim is to create a new culture of peer mental health support amongst men in the long-term and to offer immediate help during the current coronavirus crisis.
For this campaign, BOM have teamed up with The Circle Line, a new online therapy and self-development platform. Readers will be able to try a professional counselling session via video for just £1 throughout May. They can obtain support on their career, relationships, coronavirus worries and any other issues.
The campaign will also feature a hub on offering a wide range of mental health stories and advice. Key to this will be giving men the tools not only to look after their own mental health to look out for their friends too.
Very importantly, high profile celebrities and mental health experts will be answering mental health questions on The Book of Man’s Instagram pages in a weekly Guest Mental Health Mentor spot.
The campaign will be launching 1st May but will run on indefinitely. The Book of Man are keen to support people throughout the virus crisis, but also in the weeks and months when we return to a world which will no doubt hold many tough challenges.
For all the latest news, sign up to our email below, and visit The Circle line to book your £1 therapy session.
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