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Mental Health Allies campaign

Allies in Action

Watch: Mental Health Allies

Mental Health

In Partnership with MediaCom

Mental Health Allies

Our Mental Health Allies campaign has started - we are encouraging all UK businesses to adopt an Allies scheme. Here, our partners at MediaCom explain how it works.

Our Mental Health Allies campaign in partnership with MediaCom is all about breaking the taboo of mental health at work.

We want to encourage businesses to adopt a Mental Health Allies scheme in UK workplaces to ensure there is proper support for workers at a time of increasing mental health problems. 1 in 7 employees experience a mental health issue at work.

In the video below, some of the Mental Health Allies from MediaCom – who are running a brilliantly successful model for such a scheme – talk about the work they do and the transformative effect it can have.

Read more about our Mental Health Allies campaign and how you can get involved.

Phoebe Torrance

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