Jacamo Arms Length Ep. 2: Mental Health & Mindset
Mental Health
The next episode, hosted by The Book of Man, features Conor Benn, Derek Owusu and Dr Chloe Paidoussis-Mitchell.
Here is the second in a four-part series on mental health and men in lockdown, a collaboration with progressive clothing brand Jacamo and CALM, the leading movement against suicide.
Episode two of the Jacamo Arms Length features boxer Conor Benn, poet Derek Owusu, and psychologist Dr Chloe Paidoussis-Mitchell from CALM. In an insightful discussion the three of them talk about their personal issues, how to manage your mental health in this crisis, and why it’s all about being a “sensitive man” these days.
With this series we want to raise lots of funds for CALM, and have created a ‘Tip Jar’ where you can donate to them. Please contribute what you can:
Donate to CALM
We are fund-raising for CALM using a Tip Jar. Please give what you can.
tip.wearetipjar.comJacamo are also giving away all proceeds from sales of their hoodies to CALM for the next month. Take a look here.
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