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Men, glorious men

‘Looking for Men’ Shoot – Part Four


In Partnership with

The final part of Dean Chalkley's shoot of 100 men in a day. Check out the images, read the words, be happy the lives and perceptions of men are changing.

Our Festival of New Masculinity ended with ‘Looking for Men’, in which photographer Dean Chalkley photographed 100 men in one day. Here is

Following on from part one, part two, and part three, here is the final instalment.

Thank you to Lomography for the instant camera which allowed us to create an ‘instant exhibition’ on the day, to our amazing partners Harry’s, for making it all possible and being such advocates for men today, and suicide prevention charity CALM, who received ticket proceeds. Also to Freedom Brewery for the excellent beer.

Thank you to Marian Paterson for shoot production and the brilliant edit…

Andrew Emery

What does it mean to be a man today?

A man today defines himself, but respects others. He learns from the errors of his father, and he’s not scared of change.

Who is your role model?

My role model is a composite of the finest elements of my best friends and family, male and female. I strive to match them in the things they do best.

Anthony Robbins

What does it mean to be a man today?

Being a man today is about being strong enough to care for others and to admit your weaknesses along the way.

Who is your role model?

My role model was my Dad. He died when I was young. My grandfather was a dapper cockney gent who died in the early 1970s. I’m 55. I think of them both often.

Ashley and Ellis Brown

Ashley Cadogou

Chris Davies

What does it mean to be a man today?

To be open, kind and respectful while supporting your fellow men and women. We’re all in it together!

Who is your role model?

My mum.


C. A. Smith

What does it mean to be a man today?

To be truly empathetic towards all people. Not just to those unlike you but also those you dislike.

Who is your role model?

Mr Fred Rogers.

Christopher McGovern

Ciaran O’Shea

Dale Ted Watkins

What does it mean to be a man today?

Can mean anything you want it to.

Who is your role model?

Dean Chalkley, one of the kindest, most talented men I know. A true creative genius xx

Dave McClough

David J Ward

David Percival

Filip Kaleta

George Fennelly

What does it mean to be a man today?

Today means to be compassionate. Whether that is towards our friends, our family, or work colleagues, old restrictive stereotypes of masculinity appear far less relevant in today’s society, with kindness and empathy standing in its place. From compassionate behaviour we can gain deeper meaning from our relationships, break down barriers with individuals marginalised in our society, and ultimately develop a greater understanding of ourselves.

Who is your role model?

Stephen Colbert. To me, he is a champion of the truth in an increasingly noisy world and consistently rises above the torrent of ‘alternative facts’ to make sense of the news and the world around us. Having heard him speak about the personal hardships he endured at a very young age, his use of using humour as a healing device to overcome life’s struggles speaks volumes to me.

Geraint Powell

Herbert Gordon

Joss Carter

What does it mean to be a man today? 

To be conscious and reflective of your actions and reactions. To knowing that it is OK, and to be proud that it’s OK, to be scared, vulnerable, anxious, depressed, weak from time to time. By first acknowledging the conscious, talking about it with others makes us stronger to overcome our own demons.

Who is your role model?

One of my greatest role models is my best friend Kit Bodenham. Over the past 15 years or so life has thrown him some pretty sharps edges, and his sensibility, his humour, his openness to discuss, and his strength to overcome, has been an inspiration to everyone around him.

Liam Murphy

Mario Bassett

Mark Ellis

Martin Robinson

What does it mean to be a man today?

I don’t know, quite honestly, but this is why I started The Book of Man, to try to examine what it might mean. There are no easy answers, no simple methodology for how to be a happy, complete man, but what I’m sure of is that things are changing for men and I want to examine how and why.

Who is your role model?

My parents, my girlfriend, most people I meet, I’m extremely impressionable though you wouldn’t guess it. In the fantasy realm, it’s chaotic animalistic  people far from my own experience like Iggy Pop, DH Lawrence, George Best, Peter O ‘Toole, Robert Mitchum, Patti Smith, Francis Bacon. I like imperfection, writ large.

Michael Baile

Nick Welsh

What does it mean to be a man today?

Understand your privilege – don’t be an arsehole.

Who is your role model?

John Lennon.

Pete Gomori

Ken Robinson

Tom Bushell

Raj Ishigaki

William Frank

What does being a man mean today?

Being a man and society’s view of being a man has changed over the years but for me, being a man today still means to lead by example, have confidence, be physically and emotionally strong, but being more OK with having weaknesses and flaws in ourselves. We’re not superhuman. We’re not supposed to be superhuman.

Who is your role model?

Firstly, my Dad. He taught me the work ethic, and his discipline built me the moral compass to succeed in life. Secondly, my close friend who I’ve known for over 20 years now, who taught me you can be a POC (person of colour), successful, and reject what society tries to project onto you. Lastly, anyone who wants to win at life and has a winning mentality.

Follow Dean Chalkley (always).

Thanks to JJ Media for Dean’s kit.

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