Take a look at this incredible shoot by Dean Chalkley of 100 men in a day, taken at our Festival of New Masculinity.
Our Festival of New Masculinity was the talk of Jan-March (to the best of our knowledge), and finished with ‘Looking for Men’, in which photographer Dean Chalkley photographed 100 men in one day. It was a shoot about community, expression and being a man, whatever each individual’s idea of being a man meant.
Following on from part one and part two, here is – yes – part three…
Thank you to Lomography for the instant camera which allowed us to create an ‘instant exhibition’ on the day (check out the shots below), to our amazing partners Harry’s, for making it all possible and being such advocates for men today, and suicide prevention charity CALM, who received ticket proceeds. Also to Freedom Brewery who made us increasingly happy as the event went on.
Now, on with the men…
Carlos Cuffy

Charlie Hotson

Arjun Bhogal

Aaron St Richardson

Kishore Nayar
What does it mean to be a man today?
Not being afraid to say how you feel.
Who is your role model?
I don’t have one. Rather I try and behave how I’d like others to behave towards me.

Joey Page

Kieran Jay Johnson
What does it mean to be a man today?
For me it means being involved, sincere and genuine in your interactions, and using your capability to make the universe a balanced place.
Who is your role model?
My role model is my grandfather. He was driven, and instilled in me a drive and want to be purposeful. My other role model is my mother. Her compassion and love has made me who I am today.

Matt Hiscock

Luke Weston
What does it mean to be a man today?
For me, this new era represents and incredible opportunity to take action (individually and collectively) and right some of the wrongs that toxic masculinity has perpetuated. It’s about deeds, not words.
Who is your role model?
I’m going with the cliche and will say my Dad. He spent over 20 years in a monastery dedicating his life to a higher purpose and the care of others. Only after a chance encounter with my mum did he fall in love and decide to break his vows and marry. It’s his immense courage to follow his heart and face the difficult consequences that continues to inspire me every day.

Michael Litman
What does it mean to be a man today?
The man of today knows now that it’s ok to show weakness and vulnerability, and be honest about their feelings and emotions rather than being tormented by them.
The modern man wears heir heart on their sleeve and confides in people when they are going through tough times, sharing their problems but also being non-judgemental and an equally good listener.
Who is your role model?
Rob Campbell, RGA Strategy Head. He’s a rebel in many ways and a bit of a punk rocker. With massive sleeve tattoos and a cheeky personality, he’s incredibly smart, says what he thinks and is one of the nicest people I’ve ever worked for. He showed me probably for the first time at 32, that you can be good but also nice, thoughtful, kind and compassionate. I don’t know how he does it, but that’s because it’s unique to me rather than the norm. Oh, and he supports Nottingham Forest.

Chris Etches

Stuart Brooks
What does it mean to be a man today?
For me, being a man today means being free of false, dated labels and expectations of how a ‘man’ should be, behave and act. Being a man today is about being in touch with your heart and true being, loving yourself and others, and knowing that we are all equals on a journey to be happy.
Who is your role model?
My mother, for teaching me how to never give up the fight to survive when times are tough. Also my grandparents for giving me a safe, loving place to call home. They have been married 60 years and through thick and thin they have never given up on each other, or the family. They have taught me how to persevere and not to give up, so I thank my mum and grandparents for that fire in my belly x

Cyprian De Coteau

Daniele Fiandaca

Gary Mead

Jason Broderick
What does it mean to be a man today?
Don’t be complicated, be yourself.
Who is your role model?
My Dad. I long to be as patient as he is.

John Mannell
What does it mean to be a man today?
Quite simply to be aware and honest. I grew up in the most loving family but we all work in the building trade and I think what is “acceptable”, and the ability to show your true self and feelings in the construction industry, is still very difficult.
Who is your role model?
A mix, to be honest. My dad and mum for working so hard and giving us everything they could in love and experiences. But growing up it was very much my cousin Debbie who always reassured me that it was okay to follow what you love even if it wasn’t necessarily the norm. Today, role models change on a daily basis as our access to the world around us is almost overwhelming.

Roger Ratajczak

John McKenzie
What does it mean to be a man today?
I think a man of today should just be confident just being themselves and not try to be something they are not.
Who is your role model?
Whilst I get inspiration from various people I don’t believe in individual role models. I am who I am.

Tom Chapman

Wayne from Buckhurst Hill
What does it mean to be a man today?
All men are men.
Who is your role model?
Michel (Jean-Paul Belmondo), A Bout De Souffle.

Follow Dean Chalkley (always).
Thanks to JJ Media for Dean’s kit.
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