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Pandemic Mental Health

New Video Series on Men in Lockdown

Mental Health

Welcome to the Jacamo Arms Length, a new series hosted by The Book of Man. Episode one features Professor Green, Russell Kane and Simon Gunning from CALM.

Take a look at the first in a four-part series on mental health and men in lockdown. This is the first in a new collaboration with progressive clothing brand Jacamo and CALM, the leading movement against suicide. Titled the Jacamo Arms Length the series of discussion is based on research Jacamo did with 2000 UK in lockdown, which uncovered lots of interesting results about how men are handling their mental health, how they have adapted to lockdown and what are their hopes and fears for life on the other side.

Episode one, ‘Locked-In Men’ features three of the top names in mental health and masculinity: Professor Green, Russell Kane and Simon Gunning from CALM. In a wide-ranging and often very funny discussion, the three reveal their lives in lockdown and tackle the difficulty of getting men to open up.

With this series we want to raise lots of funds for CALM, and have created a ‘Tip Jar’ where you can donate to them. Please contribute what you can:

CALM suicide prevention

Donate to CALM

We are fund-raising for CALM using a Tip Jar. Please give what you can.

Jacamo are also giving away all proceeds from sales of their hoodies to CALM for the next month. Take a look here.

Sign up to our daily newsletters below for details of the next episodes of the Jacamo Arms Length.

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