Xmas Gifts: Top 10 Mindful Gifts
Gifts for people who prefer yoga and mindfulness to mad Friday and mince pies...

Form Eclipse Limited Edition luxe yoga mat
Behold, the carbon-negative yoga mat with a natural rubber base. Made for the discerning yogi and – more importantly – machine washable. Why circular? Because… Chakras. No, really. ‘Chakra’ means ‘disc’ in Sanskrit.
£120 theform.co.uk

Muse 2 meditation gadget
Forget meditation apps. This brain-sensing meditation headband provides real-time feedback on your mental activity, heart rate, breathing and body movements. In short, it trains your brain to meditate with Jedi-like efficiency.
£239 choosemuse.com

Lego Ship in a Bottle
Struggling to control your anxiety? Forget adult colouring books – say hello to mindful Lego. The Danish brick-builder is focusing on ‘adult Lego’ designed to help stressed millennials relax and reconnect with their inner creativity. (Also, Lego is a great excuse to leave the Christmas dinner table before your uncle starts a conversation about Brexit/immigration/snowflakes).
£20 lego.com

Tenkara Simple Fly Fishing Kit
Earlier this year we explored why fishing is the antidote to the constant bombardment that is the digital age. If you’re unsure where to start, opt for this stylish Tenkara fly fishing kit with Pheasant’s Tail flies. The kit include lines, reels and beautifully-illustrated guides. Just add the rod of your choice.
£65 patagonia.com

VitaCig vitamin vape
‘Vitamin vaping’ is set to be one of 2019’s biggest wellness trends. VitaCig’s innovative tobacco-free, nicotine-free vape sticks deliver vitamins, organic plant extracts and essential oils – rather than toxic chemicals and regret.
£10 vitacig.eu.com

Zwitcherbox digital bird box
Listening to five minutes of bird song a day can lower your blood pressure, instil a sense of calm and improve your mental health for up to four hours. This motion-detecting digital box plays bird song straight outta Bavarian forests, instantly soothing your addled brain.

Wally Gro Eco Planter
More than just a solution for reluctant gardeners, these indoor planters allow anyone to create a vertical garden in an urban apartment. As well as purifying the air, indoor gardens help to lower your blood pressure, improve productivity and boost your mood. Plus, they look cool AF on Instagram.
£16 each uk.wallygro.com

Bose noise-masking sleepbuds
Car alarms, barking dogs, people screeching with laughter at 3am – these amazing electronic ‘noise-masking’ earbuds delete all those sounds. Seriously, you’ll get the best night’s sleep since you exited the the womb.
£230 bose.co.uk

Ninja Smart Screen Blender with FreshVac Technology
Oxygen damages fruit and veg, hence why avocados and apples start going brown the minute you cut into them. This revolutionary blender liquidises fruit and veg in a vacuum. This not only extracts a ton of extra nutrients, but results in a vitamin-rich drink that’s ridiculously vibrant (they don’t go brown within hours) and tastes like honeydew.
£180 ninjakitchen.eu

Punkt MP02 minimal phone
The ‘minimal phone’ movement is here to save us from our smart screen obsession. The idea being that you ditch your iPhone for a few days and detox. No notifications, no emails, no ‘heavily opinionated’ tossers going at it on Twitter. As the founder of Punkt put it, “If anyone wants to talk to me, they can give me a call.”
£295 punkt.ch
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