‘You B’OKquet, mate?’ – Flowers for men is now a thing
Buying flowers for men is not really done, is it? But as this new campaign with Pro Green shows, it's a great way to reach out to someone.
Why don’t people buy flowers for men? We all like flowers don’t we? Certainly men appreciate them around the house when a partner receives them, or will take pains cultivating flowerbeds in the garden. But being bought them? It’s neither expected nor received, and you can put down to mass marketing messages, cultural propaganda and mere tradition – it’s not regarded a nice thing to do for someone to lift their spirits, it’s ‘supposed’ to be about romance for the ladies. Actually, as a way to reach out to men who need it, as a gesture of tenderness and kindness, and a reminder of beautiful things in life, what better thing is there than giving flowers?
Well, as befitting up the times when the rule books about gender roles and practices are being ripped up, there is now a concerted effort being made to break the stalk-thin taboo around flowers and men.
Experts funnyhowflowersdothat.co.uk have teamed up with that pioneer of modern men, Professor Green, and the Urban Flower Company to create limited edition bouquets designed specifically for men. In a campaign called ‘You B’OKquet, mate?’, Pro AKA Stephen Manderson, helped put together bouquets symbolising mental health and wellbeing. The peonies of the bouquet radiate the message of good fortune and compassion. The Delphinium represent protection – a reminder to look after those around us during these tough times whilst the bouquet’s striking palette is there to engage the senses and instantly lift moods and brighten the gloomiest of days. At a time when supporting one another is crucial, the soft and delicate Lunaria included signify honesty, symbolic here in being able to open up to each other and talk, and the Dahlia stand for inner strength, both adding a delightful touch of tenderness
The first 20 bouquets sent out to men will be given away for free using the code: CALMFLOWERS21. After that, all proceeds from bouquets sold will be donated to the Campaign Against Living Miserably (CALM), of whom Stephen is the patron.
Stephen said, “In today’s society, it’s fairly rare for men to send flowers, especially to each other, just to say “hey, I hope you’re alright” or to cheer someone up – flowers bring joy both to the person gifting them and the person receiving them. I’m so pleased to be supporting this campaign where hopefully we can help remove any stigma for either sending or accepting flowers as men. I think men enjoy flowers just as much as women or would do, given the chance.”
Matthew Richardson of Urban Flower Company added: “We do feel as a company our approach to floristry has broken down lots of barriers and although it’s taken a while, we do feel we have reached a point in the business where we are seeing flowers being bought for men for birthday’s, congratulations and just because on a much more regular basis.
“It’s wicked seeing men taking part in our workshops and getting involved in the design of flowers for an event for example, or simply buying a bunch of stems for themselves – would love to encourage and see more of this.”
What a fine project this is, buy some flowers for the men in your life and help break the boundaries that hold men back from true expression.

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