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Hairy Back Grooming

Don't Be Hunted Next Time You Shower

How To Beat Back Hair Anxiety


A bit of back hair is fine, but you don't want sightings of the Sasquatch to rise whenever you change. So how do you go about grooming it out of existence? And should you really care?

Back hair
Harry was an alright kind of guy, a bit clumsy and even nightmarish if you think about his face too much, but The Hendersons seemed to like him. But no-one wants to think any part of you looks like Harry – especially not that leering grotesque grin – and certainly not your back. But before you start laying down on a carpet of wax strips, let’s speak to a grooming expert.

Is it really a problem?
“The way I think of it, back hair is a natural thing,” Says Sam Hickey, Head Barber at Murdock, “It’s usually covered so it doesn’t need to be a problem.” But what if you look like Gor, from the 80s Charles Dance TV movie First Born? Or the chap off The Pixies‘ ‘Come On Pilgrim’ EP?

“Well, if it’s coming over your neck, and over your shirt then yes, there are ways.”

The problem with irritation
“If you wax it, you’re likely to get rashes, ingrowing hairs, red dots everywhere.” Not great, no-one wants to look like they’ve been spooned by Pinhead from Hellraiser. “And if you shave it, you’ll have irritating stubble and it’ll grow back thicker.” Well is there any other way? “…” Oh, come on, surely?

No wants to look like they’ve been spooned by Pinhead from Hellraiser

Pour Some Sugar (On My Hairy Back)
“…Ah yes, there is ‘Sugaring’. Heard of that? It’s an Ancient Egyptian technique, I think.” Oh we’re into that, great bunch of lads the Ancient Egyptians, “Here, I’ve Googled it – you have hot sugar rubbed onto your skin. When it’s dry, you scrub it off, and it removes the hair. Apparently, it’s less intense and leaves your skin super smooth. There’s a place round here that does it – 35 quid.”

So there you go – let’s take grooming advice from a race of people who pulled out the brains of the recently dead through the nose using an iron hook.

Thanks to Sam from Murdock.

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