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rewild our seas

Unseen Forests Under Threat

The Mission To ‘Rewild Our Seas’


An impressive new initiative to help protect our fragile oceans is being launched by Talisker Whisky and Parley for the Oceans....

The oceans cover 70% of the earth’s surface, house 99% of the biosphere and play a vital role in sustaining the health of all life on earth. However, human impacts have damaged almost every aspect of this, with a 2018 study finding only 13% of the world’s oceans could be classified as truly wild, unaltered by human activity.

To help raise awareness of the damage done to this fragile world, Talisker Whisky and Parley for the Oceans – an award-winning collaboration network where leading thinkers and organisations come together to work on projects to end the destruction of the oceans – are teaming up to launch a new environmental mission called ‘Rewild Our Seas’. It is intended to be a global initiative aiming to restore and protect the health of underwater forests on coastlines; 100 million square metres of marine ecosystems by 2023.

The partnership will include innovative research and expeditions, alliances with local organisations around the world, and grants to support existing research and protection initiatives. This will include work in Scotland, where Talisker is based on the Isle of Skye. This rugged area has helped create the whisky for nearly 200 years, and there will be an initial focus on projecting protecting the kelp forests along the coasts of Scotland; kelp plays a critical role in ocean health by regulating pH, sequestering carbon dioxide, harbouring microorganisms and providing habitats and nourishment for marine life and keystone species.

Further to this, Talisker and Parley are launching a public fundraising campaign as part of the Talisker Whisky Atlantic Challenge, a legendary 3000 mile rowing race across the Atlantic. Adventurers everywhere will be invited to take on personal oceanic challenges to raise fund for Parley initiatives.

Pedro Mendonca, Diageo Global Reserve Director said:

“Our connection with the ocean goes back hundreds of years and started when our founders, the MacAskill brothers, stepped onto the shores of Skye to set up our Talisker distillery. Every single day, our whisky is influenced by the spirit and energy of the vast ocean that surrounds us. It forms an important part of who we are, and so naturally we feel it is our responsibility to help protect one of the most important ecosystems of our planet. In our partnership with Parley we are unified in our shared love for the oceans and our joint commitment to support their preservation for future generations. We both believe that the power for change lies in the hands of brands and consumers and given there is a choice – we want to be able to instil action and drive change together.”

Cyril Gutsch, Founder & CEO, Parley for the Oceans said:

“Witnessing the rapid decline of marine wildlife and the destabilisation of the environment that provides the chemistry which allows us humans to exist, leads to a simple conclusion: We will not be able to live on a planet with a dead sea and collaborating with nature is the only way for us humans to survive. Therefore, we are excited to collaborate with Talisker, a true ocean brand. Together we will explore, research and protect underwater forests which give shelter to sea life, prevent erosion of coastlines and help us to fight climate change by capturing carbon emissions. For the Oceans, Climate and Life.”


Talisker is pledging £1 to Parley towards ocean conservation, with every bottle sold in Tesco from 6th October to the 27th October.

For further information please visit:


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